Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 17
Bradford Smith Papers
The Bradford Smith Papers include his writing, personal papers, journals, school essays, business and literary correspondence, manuscript notes, outlines and drafts of published and unpublished works, and material relating to social causes, personal matters, business and political activities.
Charles Edwin Allen Papers
The Charles Edwin Allen Papers consist of materials relating both to Allen's life and his historical studies and writings, with the bulk concerning Allen's work on Burlington and Vermont history, including manuscripts and typescripts of several of his published articles and books.
Collamer Abbott Collection
The Abbott Collection is composed of papers, maps, and photographs on mining and minerals, particularly in Vermont and the Eastern United States.
David Budbill Papers
The David Budbill papers contain both personal and professional papers of the Vermont poet, author, playwright, and musician.
Garden Way Publishing Company Records
George Perkins Marsh Collection
Gloria May Stoddard Papers
Collection consists of the typescripts of Stoddard's writings about notable Vermonters "Snowflake" Bentley (Wilson Bentley), Henry Leland, and Calvin Coolidge and Grace Coolidge. Maples and maple sugaring are also covered as a topic alongside more general articles printed in publications for children.
Harris W. Soule Papers
The Harris W. Soule Papers are made up almost entirely of materials relating to his book, Northwoods Tales and Unusual Recipes. Included are manuscripts, typescripts and printer's galleys of the work, as well as correspondence with publishers, prospective buyers and reviewers.
Herbert W. Congdon Papers Collection
Jackman/Corinth Papers
The collection includes a few folders of Jackman family material, but the majority of the papers relate to Mrs. Marguerite (Murphy) Jackman's work on the history of Corinth, Vermont.
Filtered By
- Subject: Manuscripts (for publication) X
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Correspondence 14
- Manuscripts for publication 12
- Writings 9
- Photographs 7
- Manuscripts (for publication) 5
- Notes 5
- Authors 3
- Authors, American -- 20th century 3
- Diaries 3
- Corinth (Vt.) 2
- Maps 2
- Notebooks 2
- Poetry 2
- Poets, American -- 20th century 2
- Accounts 1
- Agriculture--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
- American literature -- 20th century. 1
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 1
- Architecture --Details. 1
- Architecture, Domestic --Vermont. 1
- Architecture--Vermont 1
- Authors and publishers 1
- Authors, American 1
- Book collecting 1
- Bradford (Vt.) 1
- Buildings --Repair and reconstruction 1
- Burlington (Vt.) History 1
- Burlington (Vt.) Politics and government 1
- Burlington, (Vt.) History 1
- Case files 1
- Clippings 1
- Conservation of natural resources 1
- Cookery, American -- New England style 1
- Copper industry and trade--Vermont 1
- Copper mines and mining--United States 1
- Copper mines and mining--Vermont 1
- Country life--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
- Covered Bridges -- Vermont 1
- Education, higher--Vermont 1
- Ely (Vt.) 1
- Fairlee (Vt.) 1
- Financial records 1
- Fishing -- Humor 1
- Genealogies 1
- Historians Vermont 1
- Historic buildings--Vermont. 1
- Hunting -- Humor 1
- Jews 1
- Jews -- Vermont -- Burlington -- History 1
- Journalists--Vermont 1
- Lawyers Vermont Burlington 1
- Long Trail (Vt.) 1
- Memoirs 1
- Miners--Vermont 1
- Orange County (Vt.) 1
- Patents 1
- Political campaigns 1
- Presidents--Election--1952 1
- Publishers and publishing 1
- Reviews (document genre) 1
- School records 1
- Speeches 1
- Thetford (Vt.) 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- Vermont History 1
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Literary collections 1
- World War,1914-1918--Personal narratives 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Abbott, Collamer M., b. 1919 1
- Allen family 1
- Allen, Ellen Cordelia, (Ellen Cordelia Lyman) Mrs. Charles Edwin Allen, b. 1843 1
- Anisfield, Nancy 1
- Babcock, Robert S. 1
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887 1
- Bentley, W.A. (Wilson Alwyn) 1
- Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890 1
- Brandt & Brandt. 1
- Budbill, David 1
- Burlington Historical Society 1
- Chapin, Miriam 1
- Clarke, Jess 1
- Congdon, Herbert Wheaton, 1876-1965. 1
- Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 1
- Dake, Thomas Reynolds, 1785-1852. 1
- Davies, John 1
- Engels, John 1
- Garden Way Publishing Company. Jack Williamson, Publisher. 1
- Green Mountain Club. 1
- Griffiths, Roger 1
- Jackman, Marguerite Murphy 1
- Lake Champlain Tercentenary Commission (Vt.) 1
- Leland, Henry Martyn, 1843-1932 1
- Lyman family 1
- Marsh, George Perkins 1801-1882 1
- Middlebury Maternal Health Clinic. 1
- Morrill, Justin S., (Justin Smith), 1810-1898 1
- Nearing, Helen 1
- Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983 1
- Prophet, Bill 1
- Raymond, Dick 1
- Sampson, Paul 1
- Samuelson, Myron 1
- Scofield, Ed 1
- Sherwood, Winfield T. 1
- Soule, Harris W. 1
- Stetson, Frederick E., 1943 1
- Stoddard, Gloria May, 1942- 1
- University of Vermont Personal narratives 1
- Upson, William Hazlett 1
- Vermont Antiquarian Society 1
- Vermont Copper Mining Company. 1
- Vermont. Teachers College, Castleton. 1
- W.Colson Leigh, Inc.. 1
- Wells, Joan 1 + ∧ less