Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 39
John B. Perry Papers
Collection contains correspondence; diaries; and notes, lectures, sermons, and essays on the subjects of Geology, History, Science, Philosophy, and Religion documenting the career and thought of UVM Geology professor and Congregational minister in Vermont, John B. Perry, who was a major figure in the field of Geology at the time.
John Q. Dickinson Papers
Collection contains the Civil War letters of John Q. Dickinson, a captain in the 7th Vermont Infantry during the Civil War. Includes letters written by Dickinson during service in Louisiana, a memo book containing a refutation of General Ben Butler's accusations against the 7th VT Infantry, diaries, and letters from Florida after the Civil War, where he was killed by the Ku Klux Klan.
Johnson Finney Papers
The Johnson Finney Papers consist of one box of Finney's diaries for intermittent periods of the years between 1809 and 1858. Finney's diary entries, which average approximately seven lines per day, focus on day-to-day activities on the farm and at the sawmill.
Lanpher and Demeritt Families Papers
The collection contains Civil War letters, family correspondence, photographs, photograph albums, diaries, notes, school work, memorial cards, clippings, and financial documents (pension claims) documenting George M. Lanpher and Rufus G. Lanpher who both served in the Civil War. Activities of other members and later generations of the related families of Lanpher and Demeritt are also documented.
Margaret Farnsworth Diaries
Collection consists of diaries of Margaret Farnsworth who died in 1999 at age 105.
Mrs. Elspeth P. Udall Diaries
Collection consists of personal diaries written by Mrs. Udall while working for the Simpson family while living at 61 N. Prospect Street, Burlington, VT and in Craftsbury, VT.
Parker Family Diaries
Collection consists of diaries kept by Addie, Ella, and Simon Parker of Adamant and East Montpelier, VT.
Parker/Fleming Family Papers
The Parker/Fleming Collection deals primarily with the descendants and relations of Charles Carrol Parker (1814-?), a Congregational minister who preached in various churches in Vermont and Maine, and Elizabeth Fleming Parker (1813-1979), his wife. The letters span the time period of 1835-1909, with the bulk of the collection lying between 1863-1879.
Peake Family Papers
Rockwell Family Papers
The Rockwell Family Papers consist of two cartons of letters, business papers, bound diaries and account books, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other papers. The chronological span of the collection is from 1854 to 1972, with the great majority of the papers dating from the 1850s to 1929. Most of the materials in the Rockwell Family Papers relate to Ell B. Rockwell's many years of service on Lake Champlain steamboats.
Filtered By
- Subject: Diaries X
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Correspondence 21
- Photographs 11
- Financial records 7
- Clippings 5
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
- Account books 4
- Family -- History 4
- Vermont -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
- Champlain, Lake 3
- United States -- History -- Personal narratives -- Civil War, 1861-1865 3
- Writings 3
- Brandon (Vt.) 2
- Clergymen -- Congregationalists 2
- Farmers -- Vermont 2
- Manuscripts for publication 2
- Middletown (Vt.) 2
- Notebooks 2
- Notes 2
- School records 2
- Scrapbooks 2
- Sermons 2
- United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 2
- Accounts 1
- Agricultural credit--United States 1
- Agriculture -- Vermont 1
- Alburg (Vt.) 1
- Ambassadors 1
- Amendments 1
- Antimissile missiles 1
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 1
- Architecture --Details. 1
- Architecture, Domestic --Vermont. 1
- Architecture--Vermont 1
- Arms control 1
- Articles 1
- Audiotapes 1
- Authors and Publishers Vermont 1
- Autograph albums 1
- Ballistic missle defenses 1
- Banking -- Vermont 1
- Bills (legislative records) 1
- Book collecting 1
- Brattleboro (Vt.) 1
- Bristol (Vt.) 1
- Buildings --Repair and reconstruction 1
- Burlington (Vt.) 1
- Businessmen Vermont 1
- Cambodia 1
- Caribbean--1915 1
- Carpenters--Vermont 1
- Champlain, Lake--Navigation 1
- Civil rights movement--United States 1
- Civil rights--United States 1
- Civil service--United States 1
- Congregational churches -- Clergy -- Vermont 1
- Congressional committee reports 1
- Conservation of natural resources 1
- Constitutional Conventions Vermont 1
- Corinth (Vt.) 1
- Covered Bridges -- Vermont 1
- Danby (Vt.) 1
- Diplomatic and consular service--1915--Caribbean 1
- Diplomats--1915--Caribbean 1
- Dockets 1
- Eagle Pass (Tex.) 1
- Education--Philosophy 1
- Educators--United States--Biography. 1
- Emmigration and Immigration--Vermont 1
- Enosburg (Vt.) 1
- Exhibition catalogs 1
- Farm law--United States 1
- Ferrisburgh (Vt.) 1
- Firearms 1
- Flood control 1
- Food relief 1
- Freemasonry Vermont 1
- Governors -- Vermont 1
- Governors--1846-1853--Illinois 1
- Grafton (Vt.) 1
- Historic buildings--Vermont. 1
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 1
- Hubbardton, Battle of, 1777 1
- Illinois 1
- Insurance -- Vermont 1
- Lake Champlain Waterway 1
- Land surveys 1
- Lawyers Vermont 1
- Lawyers--Illinois 1
- Lectures 1
- Long Trail (Vt.) 1
- Ludlow (Vt.) 1
- Manuscripts (document genre) 1
- Manuscripts (for publication) 1
- Manuscripts Speeches 1
- Maps 1
- Merchants--Vermont--Ferrisburg 1
- Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 1
- Monkton (Vt.) 1
- Motion pictures (information artifacts) 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- University of Vermont 2
- Aiken, George D. (George David), 1892-1984 1
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887 1
- Barrett, Caroline (Sanford), d. 1926 1
- Barrett, Charles S., b.1860 1
- Barrett, Charles, 1830-1892. 1
- Barrett, John, 1866-1938. 1
- Barton Family 1
- Bates, Mary Russell 1
- Bates, Samuel Lysander, 1831-1904 1
- Bearse, Florence Thomas 1
- Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890 1
- Brainerd, Heloise, 1881-1969. 1
- Brameld, Theodore Burghard Hurt, 1904- 1
- Bugbee, Dana Justin, b. 1862 1
- Bugbee, Justin, 1829-1912 1
- Chiolino, Barbara Barton 1
- Clark Family 1
- Clark, Emily J. 1
- Clark, Henry 1829-1899 1
- Clark, Jonas 1775-1854 1
- Clark, Merritt 1803-1898 1
- Congdon, Herbert Wheaton, 1876-1965. 1
- Custer, Bernadine 1
- Custer, George A., (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
- Dake, Thomas Reynolds, 1785-1852. 1
- Davis, James, 1783-1868 1
- Demeritt Family 1
- Dickinson, John Q. 1
- Federal Art Project 1
- Field family 1
- Field, Frederick Arnold 1850-1935 1
- Field, Frederick Arnold 1881-1936 1
- Field, William M. 1813-1890 1
- Finney, Johnson 1
- French, Augustus C. 1
- French, Lucy Southworth 1
- Green Mountain Club. 1
- Hapgood Family 1
- Hardy, Charles L. 1
- Haskell and Wicker. 1
- Hatch, Carlos 1
- Hemenway, Abby Maria, 1828-1890 1
- Holley, Samuel 1
- Jackman, Marguerite Murphy 1
- Jane Addams Peace Association. 1
- Lake Champlain Transportation Company 1
- Lanpher Family 1
- Lanpher, George M. 1
- Lanpher, Rufus G. 1
- Lisman, Irving 1
- Marsh, George Perkins 1801-1882 1
- Middlebury College 1
- Morrill, Justin S., (Justin Smith), 1810-1898 1
- Newton, Harold D. 1
- Norwich University 1
- Parcher, Tabor H. 1
- Parker Family of Adamant and East Montpelier, VT 1
- Parker, Charles Carrol 1
- Parker, Elizabeth Fleming 1
- Parker-Fleming family 1
- Peake family 1
- Peake, Jane A.G. Holley 1
- Peake, Kate Field 1
- Peake, Kate Riley 1
- Peake, Peveril Stedman 1
- Peake, Royal Whitman 1
- Peake, Seth 1
- Perry, John B. (John Bulkley) 1
- Public Works of Art Project (United States) 1
- Richmond, Eva Jane 1
- Richmond, William 1
- Rockwell family 1
- Rockwell, Ell B. 1
- Russell, Ella Brown 1
- Rutland Savings Bank (Rutland, Vt.) 1
- Rutland and Washington Railroad Company 1
- Sharp, Arthur 1
- Society for Educational Reconstruction. 1
- Spear family 1
- Stone, Frank A. 1
- Stoughton, Hattie 1
- Stoughton, Perley 1
- Troy Conference Academy 1
- United States. Army (General subdivision: History. Chronological subdivision: Punitive Expedition into Mexico, 1916.) 1
- United States. Army. Vermont Infantry Regiment, 10th (1862-1865). 1
- United States. Army. Vermont Infantry Regiment, 1st (1916) 1
- United States. Army. Vermont Infantry Regiment, 2nd (1861-1865) 1
- United States. Army. Vermont Infantry Regiment, 7th (1862-1866) 1
- United States. Army. Vermont Infantry Regiment, 7th (1862-1866). Company C 1
- United States. Civil Rights Act of 1964. 1
- United States. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1947-1949) 1
- United States. Congress. Pensions. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Education and Labor. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. -- General subdivision--Pensions; 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Restatement of Republican Principles. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Food Allotment Bill.. 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Republican Policy Committee.. 1 + ∧ less