Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 67
Edward A. Holton Civil War Papers
Collection consists of Civil War letters from Edward Holton, 4 photographs, and a few miscellaneous documents.
Frank Lester Greene Papers
Frank Lester Greene served in the US House of Representatives from Vermont, 1912-1923. Prior to his tenure in the US House he had been active in Republican clubs and activities in the state and served with the Vermont National Guard in the Spanish-American War. The collection of papers primarily includes family documents, photographs, military papers, speeches, articles, correspondence, campaign material and family memorabilia.
Garden Way Publishing Company Records
George D. Aiken Papers
The papers consist primarily of Aiken's senatorial files: bills and amendments, hearings, committee reports and recommendations, statistical studies, press releases, a great deal of correspondence, newspaper clippings, articles, photographs, sound recordings, films, and his senate diaries, as well as some materials from Aiken's gubernatorial years
George Saunders Family Papers
The George Saunders Collection includes wedding invitations, family photos, some family papers, scrapbooks of clippings (1865-1927), and a guest book of the George Linsley family cottage at Cedar Beach.
Gladys Neiburg Papers
The bulk of the collection documents Neiburg's literary works.
Harris W. Soule Papers
The Harris W. Soule Papers are made up almost entirely of materials relating to his book, Northwoods Tales and Unusual Recipes. Included are manuscripts, typescripts and printer's galleys of the work, as well as correspondence with publishers, prospective buyers and reviewers.
Herbert W. Congdon Papers Collection
Horace B. Eldred Papers
Collection contains photographs (presumably by Eldred, a photographer); UVM alumni, fundraising, and reunion materials for the class of 1918; Kake Walk and other UVM programs; and photo prints of Dewey Lounge, which was furnished as the class gift.
Howard Crosby Rice Papers
Filtered By
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Photographs 63
- Correspondence 42
- Clippings 12
- Diaries 11
- Financial records 10
- Writings 9
- Notes 8
- Manuscripts for publication 6
- Landscape photography 5
- Burlington (Vt.) 4
- Champlain, Lake 4
- Manuscripts (document genre) 4
- Poetry 4
- Portraits 4
- School records 4
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
- Account books 3
- Architectural photography 3
- Deeds 3
- Family--History 3
- Minutes 3
- Photographs--Vermont 3
- Poets, American -- 20th century 3
- Receipts (financial records) 3
- Scrapbooks 3
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 2
- Architecture--Vermont 2
- Articles 2
- Audiotapes 2
- Bradford (Vt.) 2
- Camps 2
- Corinth (Vt.) 2
- Covered Bridges -- Vermont 2
- Family -- History 2
- Ferrisburgh (Vt.) 2
- Letters (correspondence) 2
- Maps 2
- Notebooks 2
- Photographs -- Vermont 2
- Reviews (document genre) 2
- Sermons 2
- Soldiers -- Correspondence -- 1845-1875 -- Vermont 2
- Speeches 2
- Thetford (Vt.) 2
- Vermont -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
- Vermont -- Politics and government 2
- Vermont--Politics and government 2
- Accounts 1
- Agricultural credit--United States 1
- Agriculture--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
- Alburg (Vt.) 1
- Ambassadors 1
- Amendments 1
- Antimissile missiles 1
- Architects -- Vermont 1
- Architecture --Details. 1
- Architecture, Domestic --Vermont. 1
- Arms control 1
- Art and state -- Vermont 1
- Asylum, Right of 1
- Authors 1
- Authors and publishers 1
- Authors, American 1
- Bakersfield (Vt.) 1
- Ballistic missle defenses 1
- Bedford (Quebec) -- Manufacturers 1
- Bills (legislative records) 1
- Bills (legislatve records) 1
- Brattleboro (Vt.)--Businessmen 1
- Brattleboro (Vt.)--Civic leaders 1
- Buildings --Repair and reconstruction 1
- Burlington (Vt.) -- Schools 1
- Burlington Rotary Club (Burlington, Vt.) 1
- Burlington, (Vt.) History 1
- Cambodia 1
- Cambridge (Vt.) 1
- Caribbean--1915 1
- Chamber music groups Vermont 1
- Champlain, Lake--Navigation 1
- Child development 1
- Children's art 1
- Civil rights 1
- Civil rights movement -- United States 1
- Civil rights movement--United States 1
- Civil rights--United States 1
- Civil service--United States 1
- Clergymen -- Congregationalists 1
- Clippings -- Newspapers 1
- Clouds -- Pictorial works 1
- Composition (Music) 1
- Congressional committee reports 1
- Conservation of natural resources 1
- Construction projects 1
- Construction workers 1
- Cookery, American -- New England style 1
- Copper industry and trade--Vermont 1
- Copper mines and mining--United States 1
- Copper mines and mining--Vermont 1
- Country life--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
- Dance 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- University of Vermont. University Libraries. Special Collections 4
- Aiken, George D. (George David), 1892-1984 2
- University of Vermont 2
- Abbott, Collamer M., b. 1919 1
- Aero Club of Vermont 1
- Ager, Cleda 1
- Allen Family 1
- Allen, Ethan, 1738-1789 1
- Allen, Heman, 1740-1778 1
- Allen, Heman, 1777-1844 1
- Allen, Ira, 1751-1814 1
- Allen, Jerusha 1
- Allen, Levi, 1746-1801 1
- Allen, Lyman 1
- American Engineering Council 1
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1
- Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 1
- Atwill, J. Sanger 1
- Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962. 1
- Barker, B. Benton 1
- Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812 1
- Barnum, Samuel Horace 1
- Barrett, Caroline (Sanford), d. 1926 1
- Barrett, Charles S., b.1860 1
- Barrett, Charles, 1830-1892. 1
- Barrett, John, 1866-1938. 1
- Bearse, Ray 1
- Bentley, W.A. (Wilson Alwyn) 1
- Berster, Kristina 1
- Bill family 1
- Brainerd, Heloise, 1881-1969. 1
- Brameld, Theodore Burghard Hurt, 1904- 1
- Brandt & Brandt. 1
- Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. 1
- Brattleboro Reformer. 1
- Bread and Puppet Theatre 1
- Burlington (Vt.). Dept. of Streets 1
- Burlington International Airport 1
- Camp Najerog 1
- Central Vermont Railway. 1
- Chandler, W.D. 1
- Chittenden, Thomas, 1730-1797 1
- Clarke, Jess 1
- Congdon, Herbert Wheaton, 1876-1965. 1
- Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 1
- Coolidge, John, 1906- 1
- Craftsbury Chamber Players 1
- Crane, Ephraim F. 1
- Cummings Family 1
- Custer, Bernadine 1
- Dake, Thomas Reynolds, 1785-1852. 1
- Davies, John 1
- Demeritt Family 1
- Eagle Lodge 1
- Ecole Champlain 1
- Eldred, Horace B. 1
- Episcopal Church. Diocese of Vermont. 1
- Federal Art Project 1
- Finch, John 1
- French, Augustus C. 1
- French, Lucy Southworth 1
- Garden Way Publishing Company. Jack Williamson, Publisher. 1
- George Saunders Family 1
- Gibson, Ernest W. Jr. 1901-1969 1
- Goddard College. 1
- Green Mountain Club. 1
- Greene family 1
- Greene, Frank Lester, 1870-1930 1
- Griffiths, Roger 1
- Grime, Philip N. 1
- Haldimand, Frederick, Sir, 1718-1791 1
- Hard, Walter R. 1
- Harris, Sullivan Dwight 1
- Hartness, James 1
- Harvey family 1
- Harvey, Dorothy Mayo 1
- Haskell and Wicker. 1
- Hayden, Chauncey Hoyt 1
- Hewitt, Kate 1
- Hight family 1
- Hinds, O.L. 1
- Hinds, Oscar A. 1
- Hinds, Oscar T. 1
- Holton, Edward A. 1
- Hopkin, Edith 1
- Hopkins Family 1
- Hopkins, John Henry, 1792-1868 1
- Irish Terrier Club of America. 1
- Jackman, Marguerite Murphy 1
- Jane Addams Peace Association. 1
- Johnson Gallery 1
- Jones and Lamson Machine Company 1
- King, Rufus, 1755-1827 1
- Kurn Hattin Homes (Westminster and Saxtons River, Vt.). 1
- Lake Champlain Transportation Company 1
- Lanpher Family 1
- Lanpher, George M. 1
- Lanpher, Rufus G. 1
- Lipke, William C. 1
- Low, Alvah Ritchie 1 + ∧ less